Addressing the Insanity Principle
I’m probably not the only person who receives multiple credit card offers each month from the very same institutions that unsuccessfully sent me similar offerings in the past. Why do banks believe...
View ArticleNew Channels and New Frontiers – Taking Multi-channel to Every Channel
In 2012, every bank needs to have a multi-channel approach to service offering. And most banks believe that they do. They have phone banking. They offer Internet banking and home banking software. They...
View ArticleThe long game of customer loyalty
We often talk about banking as primarily about relationships. In many ways, the relationship between customer and bank resembles other relationships. However, over time circumstances change. The...
View ArticleBanking in the Facebook age: What does it mean to be a social bank?
I wrote in an earlier blog post about the challenges and opportunities of multi-channel banking. However, there is one channel that deserves particular attention. It is a channel many banks have yet to...
View ArticleDoes the future need banks?
“Banking is necessary – banks are not.” This quote from Bill Gates sums up the challenges facing banks in the 21st century. However, although it sounds threatening, the way it is coming true opens up...
View ArticleTransformation Is No Longer Optional
The digital revolution has driven many industries to face a fundamental transformation – from media, to education and most notably to banking. But perhaps no other industry beside outside of banking...
View ArticleRaising Risk Awareness, Gaining an Edge
There’s only one thing worse than having no answer: giving an answer based on inaccurate or outdated information. In an information-based business like banking, having access to data with near to zero...
View ArticleThe Internet of Things: Improving the Customer Experience in Banking
Over the last few years, the term “Internet of Things” (IoT) has become one of the most frequently used yet misunderstood technology concepts within the business community. While many industries may...
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